Responsibility Tracker sent May 20
On May 20, some employees in Phase 2 units will receive an email from the PEAK Project Office ([email protected]), with a request to complete a Responsibility Tracker survey by June 14.
The Responsibility Tracker is a survey the University is using to help the PEAK project team and Phase 2 college or administrative unit leaders understand the type of Finance, HR, and Marcom work employees are doing and identify whether any of that work will be moving to a central team—the Finance and HR operations centers, Talent Acquisition center of expertise, and the University Relations common good services.
How does it work?
Employees can complete the process with these steps:
- Step 1: Review Responsibility Tracker survey email
- Step 2: Schedule time to discuss responsibilities with their supervisor
- Step 3: Use the Time Estimation worksheet to calculate their time
- Step 4: Review responses with their supervisor
- Step 5: Add information into Qualtrics survey and submit
The Responsibility Tracker is an easy-to-use survey that helps employees identify and quantify their responsibilities as a percentage of their annual work. Once an employee submits their survey responses, it will automatically be sent to their supervisor for validation. If a supervisor disagrees with the responsibility estimates the response is sent to the college or academic unit Human Resources lead for follow-up.
Why is it important?
The survey is important for gathering the information to help identify work that will move to a central team.
Receiving and filling out this survey does not necessarily mean that an employee's work will be transitioned to a central team. The information gathered will help college and administrative unit leadership gain a holistic view of the work in these areas to better support the realignment of work for those remaining in your college or unit.
Based on the Responsibility Tracker analysis some employees will be eligible to participate in the Expression of Interest (EOI) process this summer. More information about eligibility will be shared in July.
Who will need to complete a Responsibility Tracker survey?
Phase 2 Transition Teams worked with the PEAK Project Office team to identify the employees from their college or administrative unit who will complete the Responsibility Tracker survey. This involved reviewing:
- Job codes for employees who traditionally do finance, human resources and marketing communications work, including web development.
- Job codes for employees who had access to PeopleSoft or EFS systems.
- Employees who participated in PEAK Process Discovery workshops that took place in March and April.
These lists were refined by college and administrative unit Transition Teams based on knowledge of their unit operations.
If you believe you should complete the survey and do not receive an email from the PEAK Project Office, please contact a member of your transition team.
When is it due?
Responsibility Tracker surveys must be submitted by employees and validated by Supervisors by June 14.
Employees should meet with their supervisors to align on their responsibilities and time estimation prior to submitting them via the survey link.