The PEAK Initiative will occur in phases. There are currently four planned phases, with different areas of the University system joining the new service model in each phase.
Phase 1 Implementation FY23-24
- Hubert H Humphrey School of Public Affairs
- Internal Audit
- Law School
- Office of the Board of Regents
- Office of Human Resources
- UM Crookston
- UM Duluth
- UM Morris
- UM Rochester
- SVPFO - Finance/Controller
- SVPFO - Information Technology
Phase 2 Implementation FY24-FY25
- CFANS (including Ag Exp Station)
- College of Liberal Arts
- Office of Student Affairs
- EVPP - Office of the Exec VP & Provost
- EVPP - The Graduate School
- EVPP - Office of Undergraduate Education
- EVPP - Office of Faculty Affairs
- EVPP - Office of Public Engagement
- Office of Equity & Diversity
- Office of the General Counsel
- Office of the President
- University Relations
Phase 3 Implementation FY25-FY26*
- College of Continuing and Professional Studies
- College of Education and Human Development
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Science and Engineering
- Intercollegiate Athletics
- School of Dentistry
- School of Public Health
- SVPFO - Capital Project Management
- SVPFO - Public Safety
- SVPFO - University Health & Safety
- SVPFO - University Services
Phase 4 Implementation FY26*
- Carlson School of Management
- College of Biological Sciences
- College of Design
- College of Veterinary Medicine
- EVPP - Global Programs and Strategy
- EVPP - MN Extension
- EVPP - University Libraries
- Medical School
- Office of Academic Clinical Affairs
- Office of the VP for Health Sciences
- Office of VP for Research
- School of Nursing
*Phase 3 and 4 units subject to change.