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Moving work and the changes that come with it

The most significant part of this transformational change is the opportunities it can create for our people and our teams to refocus resources on our mission. As work moves from units to the central teams, the people who currently support that work will see their roles change and they will have important decisions to make. 

The University is dedicated to making that a fair process and centering a lot of decision making ability with individuals. PEAK is not a workforce reduction process, it is a redistribution of work, which will require that some individuals take on new responsibilities and work.

In partnership with the PEAK Project Office, each phase of academic and administrative units will help support employees through this change in three parts:

The process is intended to transition work while keeping employees engaged and employed at the University. Supervisors and Transition Teams will help employees identify opportunities available to them, including roles on central teams for which they are eligible to transfer into or expected changes to their current roles if they ultimately stay in their unit.

Marguerite Gallagher

"In October of 2023 I was able to move into a PEAK role that specifically supports Talent Acquisition efforts on the Duluth campus. As a Sr. TA Specialist, I've been able to contribute to recruitment efforts on the Duluth campus, as well as refine my skills in the HR space. This job change has had a positive impact on both my professional development and my sense of purpose working at the University of Minnesota."

Marguerite Gallagher, Sr Talent Acquisition Specialist


Information Gathering: Responsibility Tracker

The Responsibility Tracker is a survey the University is using to identify the work that will move from academic and administrative units to the central teams aligned with the PEAK Initiative. 

Information gathered will help the PEAK project team and campus, college or administrative unit teams do three things:

  1. Understand the type of Finance, HR, and Marcom work an employee is doing and identify how much of that work will be moving to a central team—the Finance and HR operations centers, Talent Acquisition center of expertise, and the University Relations common good services.
  2. Help determine who will be eligible to move to a central team through the PEAK process called, Expression of Interest. 
  3. Inform how units redistribute work within the unit following the transition. 

While this survey will help identify who is performing activities that will be moving to central operations through PEAK, it will not indicate whether a position will be moving to an operations center, center of expertise, or a common good service team. This means that not every employee asked to complete the Responsibility Tracker will ultimately have work that is moved to a central team.

FAQ's: Responsibility Tracker

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What is the Responsibility Tracker?

The Responsibility Tracker is a survey the University created in consultation with academic and administrative units to help identify the work that will move from academic and administrative units to the central teams aligned with the PEAK Initiative. Identified employees will be asked to complete the Responsibility Tracker, which is administered via a Qualtrics survey.  

When will I know if I need to complete a Responsibility Tracker?

During each phase of Implementation, campus, college, and unit Transition Teams will work with the PEAK Project Office to identify the individuals who will need to complete a Responsibility Tracker based on how Finance, Human Resources and Marketing and Communications work is currently being done in their unit. 

For Phase 2 employees, the Responsibility Tracker is being sent out on May 20 from [email protected]

Why do I need to complete a Responsibility Tracker?

You’re being asked to complete a Responsibility Tracker survey to help the PEAK project team and your college or administrative unit teams understand the type of Finance, HR, and Marcom work you do and identify whether any of that work will be moving to a central team—the Finance and HR operations centers, Talent Acquisition center of expertise, and the University Relations common good services.

Each unit Transition Team worked with the PEAK Project Office team to identify the employees from their unit who will complete the Responsibility Tracker survey. This involved reviewing the job codes for employees who traditionally do finance, human resources and marketing communications work, plus additional employees who participated in PEAK Process Discovery workshops that took place in March and April. 

Am I getting a Responsibility Tracker because my work is moving? What will happen if my work is moving to a central team?

If your job touches Finance, Human Resources or Marcom functions, the Responsibility Tracker will help estimate how much of that work is moving and how much is staying with your campus, college or unit. 

Your unit Transition Team and leadership will be using the information from the Responsibility Tracker to help realign work for those remaining in your campus, college or unit.

Based on the Responsibility Tracker analysis some employees will be eligible to participate in the Expression of Interest (EOI) process this summer.


Judy Christians

Judy Christians

Joined the Accounting team within FinOps from Extension. Judy works remotely from her farm in Southwestern Minnesota.



Staffing and Expression of Interest

The University has decided to use an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to facilitate how the new central teams are staffed through each phase. Through this process, eligible employees will be able to express interest (transfer) into a central team role where they will continue to complete similar work within the new structure.

The staffing process is designed to retain University employees and provide opportunities for growth for those who currently support this work. EOI is a lateral transfer and not follow the traditional posting and interview process. Additionally, employees impacted by the work moving but not eligible to express interest will receive priority consideration in the application process. 

New roles will be filled either through EOI or internal hiring before opening to external candidates, if needed.

FAQ's: Staffing and Expression of Interest

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What is Expression of Interest (EOI)?

  • Expression of Interest is the process by which some employees, whose work is impacted by work shifting through PEAK, will be offered the first opportunity to transfer into a newly created position on a Finance or Human Resources Operations Center team or Center of Expertise. 
  • Eligible employees who choose to express interest will not be required to go through a traditional application and interview process, but will need to submit their Expression of Interest form by the September 30 deadline.  

If I am eligible for Expression of Interest, am I guaranteed a position with a central team?

  • Managers on the new central teams will evaluate candidates based on the roles posted, and will prioritize consideration for individuals doing that work today in Phase 2 units. 
  • At this time, we do not have enough information to make guarantees for how each position will be filled. 

Can I stay in my current role?

  • You should meet with your supervisor to understand more about the changes you can expect in your work based on work moving to a central team. Since a portion of your work will be moving, you will need to work with your supervisor to understand the implications and what might be available in your unit.

  • This will not happen overnight. As other employees make their decisions, Transition Teams and unit leadership will work to understand the impact of these transitions and find opportunities to redistribute or realign work that remains to meet strategic and budgetary goals. 

What does 'preferred consideration' mean?

  • Phase 2 employees who will experience an impact to their daily work from PEAK changes and apply to PEAK positions will be  considered ahead of other candidates who apply. 
  • The Talent Acquisition team supporting staffing for PEAK will identify Phase 2 candidates who apply during the application process and route them to hiring supervisors.
  • Hiring managers will have to consider these candidates and provide reason if moving to select beyond this pool. 

Can I express interest in more than one position? Can I also apply for an internal position?

  • Yes, EOI-eligible employees can choose to express interest in as many positions as they are eligible for and interested in. 
  • EOI-eligible employees can express interest AND apply for open positions, but need to do so before the position deadline (September 16 for supervisor positions and September 30, 2024 for all other positions).   
  • If an offer is extended, either EOI transfer or through applying to a position, you will have 5 business days to accept it. 
  • If you accept a position, you will be removed from consideration for other PEAK roles that you have applied or expressed interest in.


Wade Rupard

Wade Rupard

Writer/Editor with University Relations. Wade previously worked with the Carlson School of Management.


Staff Transition and Work Realignment

After eligible employees have expressed interest and staffing work is completed, the work of supporting employees through the transition and handoff of responsibilities and unit-based work realignment can begin. 

Employees moving to central team roles will get to know their new leaders and begin to work together on a transition and onboarding plan including training. 

Learn more about the central teams and the roles supporting this work:


Work realignment is led by each unit's Transition Team who will think through:

  1. Capacity gained by individuals shifting some work to central teams.
  2. Managing work left behind by individuals who expressed interest and will transition to central team roles. 
  3. Opportunities for reimagining unit-processes to best serve their community.