Finance is one of the four main service areas of the PEAK Initiative.
The Finance Operations Center was established as part of PEAK to create a consistent and equitable way to deliver and receive services at the University. The operations center model also creates more opportunities for efficiency. The service center provides individual contributors the benefits of working on a team surrounded by other specialists who are finance professionals, and the opportunity to work closely with the business process owner units and policy owners. There are defined roles and levels within the teams and standardized job responsibilities (across similar job titles) that create pathways for advancement within the center.
Positions in the Finance Operations Center focus on:
- General ledger and payroll accounting
- Accounts receivable and billing
- Purchasing
- Accounts payable
The Finance Operations Center
The Finance Operations Center (also known as FinOps) includes purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable and billing, payroll accounting, and general ledger accounting. Job descriptions for opportunities in the Finance Operations Center will be shared with units in each phase as part of the Expression of Interest process.
FinOps has a service request process and instructions to help people make requests and get work completed. Units in each phase receive a walkthrough of the processes as the group transitions to the new service model.
How is the Work Changing?
Finance Questions and Contacts
If you have specific questions about your college or department’s current operations, please use the Resource Responsibility Center contact list to connect directly with your area’s finance leadership.
More information about the Finance Operations Center is on their page within the University Budget and University Finance website.
Director of the Finance Operations Center
The Finance Operations Center leadership and team members are working with/through the PEAK Initiative to fully staff the operation as we work through each phase of PEAK. There will be opportunities to join the team during each phase of PEAK. Please reach out to Carrie Meyer, Interim Director of the Finance Operations Center, through email with any feedback or questions you may have.
Transition Teams
As each academic or administrative unit moves through PEAK implementation, representatives and leaders from each unit will form a Transition Team. Team members serve as a valuable resource for employees and supervisors within the unit as questions arise. When your area is actively engaged in the process, you will be able to find your representative on the list of transition team members from Finance, Human Resources (HR), Information Technology (IT), and Marketing and Communications (Marcom).
PEAK Office
Connect with use via email at [email protected].